Following building the rudder / vertical stabilizer is the horizontal stabilizer.
The parts...
Following building the rudder / vertical stabilizer is the horizontal stabilizer.
The parts...
No big changes to Campaign Manager this month, but I did add several quality-of-life improvements involving sorting and volume controls.
Bigger features are on the way.
You can download Campaign Manager from:
As mentioned in the prior kit airplane post, I wanted to rebuild the rudder to re-familiarize myself with the process and correct mistakes I had made.
The parts out ready to begin...
The upper bearing and lower horn are also attached. I'm holding off on the fairing until it's time to mount to the fuselage per the advice from Zenith.
The horizontal stabilizer construction has already begun...
We're having a crowd sale for Slay the Oly Dragon starting July 4th through July 15th! This will likely be the best discount ever available for the game as The Game Crafter only allows a single crowd sale.
Campaign Manager is now available with a game mode! Set up an interactive story with encounters. Each encounter can have an image, text, music, and navigation items to link to other encounters. Variables can be set in navigation items, and when reaching a new encounter only navigation options that are permitted based on variable values may be shown. Basically, your interactive stories can have branching paths and decisions that Campaign Manager can keep track of to alter the story later.
An example interactive story is included to demonstrate the game mode. An important package must be delivered to Lake Miller; find a way to travel the dangerous path to make it there!
You can download Campaign Manager from:
Slay the Oly Dragon 2nd edition is complete and released!
The airframe kit for my Zenith CH-650B has arrived. 12'x4'x3' crate that weighed 680 pounds; picking it up from the distribution center...
Removing the top...
Underneath the packing paper...
I emptied out most of the heavy stuff, then some neighbors graciously help me move the crate inside...
I also went through and ensured everything had arrived on the packing list...