Monday, August 26, 2024

Kit Airplane: Horizontal Stabilizer

Following building the rudder / vertical stabilizer is the horizontal stabilizer.

The parts...

Getting the mounting points between the stabilizer and fuselage attached...

Center ribs between the spars...

Added supports for tip ribs...

Tip ribs...

Riveted the spars and center ribs together...

Positioning the horizontal stabilizer skin...

One side of horizontal stabilizer skin rivetted...

Preparing the other side of the horizontal stabilizer skin...

Some interior pictures before everything is closed up...

And another...

And another...

Opposing skin clecoed in place with piano hinge for elevator clamped...

Honestly just a really nice picture showing the trailing edge ready to go...

Horizontal skin riveted!

Next up is the elevator, and once that is fitted to the piano hinge the finishing touches on the horizontal stabilizer can be completed.

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